martes, 22 de julio de 2014

Birthday Poem for John and Jess!

(June 6, 2014, 2:35 a.m.)
(For John and Jess Buchtel)

Find and discover what you see
When you open and peel me.
On the outside smiling, bright and shiny;
Inside there are thoughts of love and care so tiny.

No one sees them because of the outer, hard shell.
There they are hidden wishing the World, 
the Universe good and well.
Un-seeable power of prayer, so do not fret.
A higher purpose is the great secret!

Many think it is empty or without care
As you peel and cut, you find the deepest meaning,
With healthy sustenance and secret stuff, in there!!!

And for cooking it is more than you can think.
Imagination rises, so many possibilities.
It even makes a special, original drink!!!

                                     By: Karla

viernes, 18 de julio de 2014

Poema de mis archivos! "BARRIO GRINGO"

BARRIO GRINGO (19 Diciembre, 2008)

La calle empedrado, la luz del viejo farol.
La pareja de muchos años (que nunca se casa).
Pasa una señorita linda, o la fea, cada una con su rol...

En la esquina, el almacén.
En otra el cine o una casona.
La canción que un joven enamorado  entona.

Los niños jugando con una pelota en la calle.
El silencio de domingo, todos vestido para misa a su talle.
Alguien siempre con quien charlar en la esquina,
La vieja vecina quejosa y mezquina...

Todos los vecinos soñando vacaciones en el mar...
Los santitos, "bueno pibes", proclamando lo bueno de amar.
En verano, un banquito en la puerta.
Cada cuatro años mundial, la calle muerta.

La pared pintada, mural desde el alma.
La placita, domingo de ramos, y la palma.
Para los ojos del extranjero,
Eternidad, un lugar perfecto, y esmero!

                         POR:  KARLA

martes, 15 de julio de 2014

Poem from my files! "A NEW DAY"

 A NEW DAY! (May 15, 2005)
    All of my poems sing the same song.
    They sing to a new day all along.
    Come sing with me everyone.
    Come to the sunrise of a brand new sun.
    These are praises and singing for all and each one.
    Come and join in to see a new day begun!
    It can happen if we really believe.
    But from the old life we must leave.
   It can come, it will occur,
   It will all happen when we live in good love.
   When we live like birds, in the peace of a Dove.
    Songs of Deliverance,
    Praises and singing for all, each one.
    Come and join in to see a new day begun!
                                   By:  Karla
After reading Psalm 32 "Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered...(etc.), where it says "You shall surround me with songs of deliverance", I decided to write some poems called "Songs of Deliverance".  This is one of them.

martes, 8 de julio de 2014

Poem from my 2009 files! DEEPFELT


(Written on 6 JULY, 2009)
In the morning light, dreams will wipe away your tears...
A dream of betting, mixed with payments, obligations, from the night appears.

Always present love, friendships from the past,
Relationships that last and last...

Hovering promises, lost wonderings...
Life causing deep ponderings...

There is a world of nature, other reality...
Treble:  Somethin's asking more of me.
                It is a godsend that we can see.

And as the day begins,
Another day moves on.
Dreams keep lingering,
Some things just have to happen.

Deep-felt pulsations urging on,
Between intuition and prophecy.
What does it take to clearly see?
                           By:  Karla

domingo, 6 de julio de 2014


The following poem is dedicated to Natalia Oreira.  She is a Uruguayan actress and singer, who works much in Argentina.  She travels and works also in Israel, and for ecology.  

"Nata", in Spanish, is the cream, or gooey, cheesy stuff that forms when milk is heated, which ricotta is made of.
I hope my father and Aunt Regina (they were still alive at the time I wrote this!) could understand and enjoy this poem!

10 July, 2008
It happens to me...
With each and every person I meet.
With the animals, objects, even trees
That I daily greet!

It happens to me...
I feel somethin' special.
It happens to me...
I can't hold it back!

It occurs to me,
That you feel also deeply inside,
And that something moves,
When we chat, or even when we gently chide!

It happens to me.
The floor moves under my feet.
It happens to me.
Good feelings with the people I meet!

It's special to me!
Everything that you sing or say...
I believe in touches of heaven...
In the breaking of each new day!

Explosions of rays and arcs of light...
Gently announcing a promised new way, great might!

When each puts their little quote of "iota"...
In the heating of the milk, comes forth delicious ricotta!
                                   By:  Karla (Bear)
(“iota” is the 9th letter of the Greek alphabet.  In English it means “tiny bit”, or “small portion”!)