martes, 30 de octubre de 2018



(Written on October 29, 2018 – Happy Birthday Nephew Devin Wagener!)
What more could I ask for?  I have 9 siblings which is excellent!
I have a family that is formed and affectionate.
Friends, relatives in abundance, shinning in much brilliance;
A future to look forward to, got clothes and shoes;
A computer and cell phone to keep up with the news.
My own lyrics put to song and music developed from it all.
 All that has been lived or cried;
A tummy and life that is satisfied,
Groups, reunions and purpose,
Deep feelings that leave me wordless;
So sincerely I reach out
Realizing without a doubt,

Of a debt to you for all you have done,
Victorious after all the unforeseen battles that have been won.
Clearing the air,
I hope to be upstanding and fair;
In my time of need and fall,
You responded to the call.
And now I am back on my feet,
Living good, not with excesses,
Hoping there are no remorse, bad vibes or recesses!
Life is so short, and getting shorter each day.
“Forgive and forget” echoes as the wise always say.
So after Halloween passes with all of its Spirits and pranks,
I desire to confer in this Harvest season and elevate great feelings of Great Thanks!
             By: Karla

sábado, 20 de octubre de 2018

Not in Vain!


(Written on September 25, 2018)
A child believed in miracles
Knowing prayers are not in vain.
Believe, in meekness. It is that simple!
Like they believe for you!

Daily pleadings will reach their goal.
It is felt so deeply; it’s all one must know.
You too must believe; let it help you grow!

Look towards your truest need;
Think of others, the hurt, and those who bleed.
Know there is no greater wealth,
Than the soul’s wellbeing and good health.

Times are so sensitive and ominously black;
It’s best to listen and carefully act;
To serve one more being is so little to ask.

So many will doubt a great prodigious power,
Until the final reckoning hour
When you find what you really need…
After all the storms have past,
To realize the little one is held deep within at last.

                  By: Karla

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY 2018! From Argentina


(¡Feliz Día de la Madre, 2018!)

Asados y Tango,
Mate, Mujeres, y Vos;
!Un día de primavera hermoso!

Llanuras eternas llenando la Tierra Madre.

Poner materiales,
Y dejar los vicios,
Para poder construir
Puentes para todos
Sobre lugares desconocidos, tan vacíos,
Turbios, peligrosos, o sin camino,
Y llenar las estepas
Con ¡Ceibo y Jacaranda!

         Por: Karla