jueves, 30 de julio de 2020

An ode to old age!!!


(By: Karla Wagener, July 11, 2020, 6:15 a.m.)

The time comes to prepare for a journey.

Not knowing where it will lead to or end.

Get ready and leave all belongings,

To others, to children or friends…


It used to make one worry,

What such a long trip would be like at best?

But now it is to be honored -

To be chosen is to be blessed.


There are other places and worlds that exist out there so far.

Someday we´ll be off to experience them.

Until the declared time shall come,

Surely we must enjoy, cherish and appreciate,


There is a mission and purpose

Seeded deep in our combined yesteryears;

Trudging along, anticipating, daring,

Until the promised dominion appears.


It flowed and grew since early in youth.

It´s truely kinda hard to believe!

Does your Faith now lay on a thread?

You must trust the threadmaker´s weave!

sábado, 25 de julio de 2020



(By: Karla Wagener for John and Jess Buchtel, Happy Birthdays 2020!)

No more powerful feeling
Than that heaven´s going strong for the meek
With tones, notes, and beats that truthfully speak.
Like a loving lioness protecting her young.
What better way to make good
All that has gone so wrong?

It´s like waking up,
Like a wakening up
To early morning blues,
And feel the rhythm beating in twos;
Humming out those tunes.

Some kinda´ beat moves you
Helps your inner soul.
You automatically move,
Your body goes on to where it must go.

Though all the World´s broken and unwound
The Blues are easier
When you surrender to their sound.

Such a blessing to be alive!
These sad sounds release afflictions,
Helping us to survive!

domingo, 5 de julio de 2020


              (By: Karla Wagener)

            ¨This much I know is true", 
                     By Spandeu Ballet
At this time with so many apocalyptic occurrences happening, it is an appropriate time to examine the Magnificat in detail.  You can find the Magnificat in the Catena below.
More than answer just what it signifies, I am opening up to more connotations of it as time goes by.  My personal intuition tells me that it is an intervention, and proclamation of Divine Fulfillment.  It is a message of hope, and focuses upon those who receive God´s Word and cast themselves upon the might of His arm to deliver them.  These are the ¨poor, the remnant of Yahwah¨.
It is my personal experience that there is a divine justice which goes way beyond what a worldly justice can acquire.  I have seen its workings and it has also been attested to throughout history.
For now, I present this subject to you and believe ultimately that all things work towards good and basically love, peace, and mercy.
Another experience I have had is that the workings of justice, reconciliation, a coming together, can happen quite suddenly and when least expected. This can happen and all things are made a new. Through compensation, the past no longer causes suffering.
The Magnificat is prayed in more than 180 languages by millions of Legion of Mary members in the entire world daily, together with other prayers in a grouping called ¨The Tessera¨.
They emit strong words.  What do these words mean?  Are they true?  I attempt to find the deeper significance and precise meaning of each word.  It escapes me, as does the deepest sense and most pure truth of the Lord´s Prayer.  As much as I repeat them over and over, they escape from me like vapor over an eternal fire.
The Magnificat is a song of hope, praise of God.  It is also a proclamation of divine fulfillment.  It proclaims God's intervention in authentic human existence, and for those who search for truth. It is called a Canticle, Ode of the Theotokos, Hymn of praise, or prayer showing the power of God and the greatness of the Kingdom of God.  It lays out a doctrine of retributive justice, of theological wisdom.
It is known to be a silver cord – a metaphysical life thread, giving a life linkage from the higher self, down to the physical body.  It is composed with a background of Old Testament allusions and philosophies.  This dialogue enumerates a ministry of reversal that Jesus will build upon. It is hope for the oppressed, poor and lowly which gives them a cause to lift their voices and join in song.
A canticle is a chant, hymn or song, especially a non metrical one, with words from biblical texts.  Mary's song is a collage of biblical allusions.  There is disagreement about the full range of the allusions.
Generally, it evokes the whole thought world of Faith and declares its fulfillment.  It is deeply intertwined with the song of Hannah and, of course, the Passover.  God brings down those who brag of their own strength and manifests blessings and mercy towards those who fear and esteem God.  It echoes the Scriptures, weaving inter-textual clues into a connection with history and faith in one story.  The theme of humbling the proud is a common motif in the Hebrew Bible.  This Canticle bridges the past to new dimensions, searching for God and invoking the Holy Spirit for solutions that may seem impossible to reality as we know it.
The Magnificat has been viewed as dangerous by many people of power over the ages.  Some entire countries- such as India, Guatemala and Argentina- have outright banned the Magnificat from being recited in liturgy or in public. It is a very strong declaration, yet at the same time promises liberation and mercy.  All things are possible for the Creator, and at any time the Creator chooses!  I hope that through my writings and song lyrics I can transmit a bit, at best, of the great peace and wellbeing I experience having found certain redemption with the conviction of this philosophy.
This is all really hard language for one who believes in love, mercy, forgiveness and reconciliation.  Only through a profound understanding of healing and mercy can a balance of energies be achieved. It is not for us to judge in matters of spirituality, but rather to apply healing mercy and kindness wherever possible, whatever shall happen.  Compassion leads to Mercy!
And now a poem:
       "I've had some bad times, 
       lived through some sad time.
       But this time your hurting won't heal".                          By Kenny Rogers
Something struck a sensitive chord.
Dreams awaken the deepest part of the soul.
Echoes proclaim prophesies of old.
Redemption manifests as invocations unfold.

Where everything's a big confusing illusion,
Finding me, just a solitary missing piece;
(Cameras and vigilance everywhere);
You can see the solutions in my eyes of care.

Reflections of innocence we used to be
In a Youth of a long time passing by.
They look at us with those Robert Redford honest eyes,
And we are prepared to live any sort of lies.

We attempt to take a still picture
To represent all history.
But all we get is fading traces,
With glimpse of reality in a variety of places.

Here lay that one sole, lost piece
That no one seems to notice.
A time, a place that could so be
If only you could notice me!

Antiphon. Who is she that comes forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in battle array?
(Make the Sign of the Cross)
v. My soul glorifies the Lord.*
R. My spirit rejoices in God, my Saviour.
v. He looks on His servant in her lowliness;* henceforth all ages will call me blessed.
R. The Almighty works marvels for me.* Holy His name!
v. His mercy is from age to age,* on those who fear Him.
R. He puts forth His arm in strength* and scatters the proud-hearted.
v. He casts the mighty from their thrones* and raises the lowly.
R. He fills the starving with good things,* sends the rich away empty.
v. He protects Israel His servant,* remembering His mercy,
R. The mercy promised to our fathers,* to Abraham and his sons forever.
v. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
R. As it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Antiphon. Who is she that comes forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in battle array?
v. O Mary, conceived without sin.
R. Pray for us who have recourse to you.
Let us pray.
O Lord Jesus Christ, our mediator with the Father, Who has been pleased to appoint the Most Blessed Virgin, Your mother, to be our mother also, and our media trix with You, mercifully grant that whoever comes to You seeking Your favors may rejoice to receive all of them through her. Amen.