viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

Poem for Peace from my files!!!

Thinking about Diego's situation again, I wrote the following poem in English.  I have many writings about peace.  My father was a World War II Disabled Veteran and World Peace is something that has always concerned me. 

12 April, 2007


I hunger much for a true power.
The kind that through prayer can cure a disease
or stop or bring a shower.

Some kind of energy that can fulfill a dream...
And that to the World can reveal a marvelous new scheme!

Power that comes only with a connection with above,
Power based solely in good Love...

In Spirit I am very ambitious...
I desire to fulfill many good wishes!

I thirst and desire to be free of excesses and sin...
I believe that with this Peace in the World we can win!

                                              By:  Karla

miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014



(August 29, 2014)

Then I open up my eyes,
To the great surprise.
It’s all I have been waiting for.
A beautiful grandchild waiting at the door.

Then the way is clear and sure.
The old pains all have a cure.
The thought that heaven is going to help
Is confirmed and now made real…
Out of troubles, life now is a thrill!

Woke up many times with poems on my mind;
Maybe songs to help me make amends and find,
The answers to questions about the universe, real life.

And the right direction is a path following you,
Born on the twenty fourth,
Turned over, we find a perfect forty-two!
                         By: Karla

martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014

Second to the last poem in the Collection "Poems for Zoe's Birthday"!


(September 16, 2014)

Living on the limits.
Living for a purpose.
Living life with kindness.
Each moment fully lived.

Knowing there is movement.
That time is eternal, yet it has an end.
Considering all that’s without.
Living profoundly all that’s within!

Believing there is reason;
Searching for a meaning,
Going forth with passion.
Living Faith and courage every day!

Something hanging here to say…
Looking onward for the best way!
Without you, without love,
There is no sense in continuing to play!
                        By: Karla

Poem from the collection: "Zoe's Birthday"!


(September 16, 2014)

Silent moments mean so much.
Few words said; so great a touch.
Little hearts that beat out greatness.
Wisdom in the tiny ones.

Hearing the answers of all questions;
Knowing what Great Kings and Wise men plead to know.
In their faces bright and shinning, honesty and glory show.

We wonder at this contradiction,
As the proud and unjust find their defeat.
Compassion and Mercy added on.
The greatest love is the best treat!
                        By: Karla

martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014

Poem for the Collection "ZOE'S BIRTHDAY"!!!


(September 13, 2014)

How to hold back something so big?

The energy of above, the force from within?

The need to be silent, when so much in happening;

Some perfect action to console when the Universe rings;

The satellites, artifacts, and spiritually deeper things?

Here is our prayer, a prayer raised up to you.

That you live in all and make all be true;

For all of the animals, environment, and plants;

The sick and the humble, whales, elephants to ants;

The believers, or non, needing and ill;

Those poor underdogs striving to pay their debt bill!

For the rich and powerful, help all know to share and to give;

For the entire universe, make it a place pleasant in which to live;

Making life always better, without living in blame;

Knowing who has the true power, knowing your name!

                                By: Karla