Este blog fue creado para poder practicar ingles o español, por medio de las poesias, canciones y pequeños escritos que fui creando a lo largo de mi vida. Las poesias tienen el titulo de "Poesia" y se encuentran a lo largo de los escritos. The poems are marked so you can find them! The indexes are also marked! Los indices estan titulados tambien.
jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016
Translation of my poem ¨APUESTO¨!
¨Apuesto¨ means ¨I bet¨, and can also mean ¨good looking, or adorned¨.
Sometimes, God gives us small signs that work big! In December of 2015, at a meeting of the Legion of Mary, I gave a book to the Primate of Buenos Aires, and Spiritual Director of our group, Father Alejandro Russo, an anthology made by members of Father Hernan´s Literary ¨Café¨, with a note greeting him and the two Pope in Rome. I could not have known at the time, but Father Russo was about to go to Rome. It seems to me a sign of intuition. I dedicated the Anthology, ¨Palabras of Luz¨, with the following poem, ¨I BET¨. I wrote the poem on November 22, 2015, which was the day of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, and at the same time the day of Santa Cecilia, the Saint of Music! In ¨Palabras de Luz¨, there are two of my writings, ¨La Intuicion Suficiente¨, and a poem, ¨la Gloria de la Oliva¨, which for me are almost prophetic, and talk about my experience with songs, and which you can see in my blog.
Good tidings for the year 2016 inspite of so many problems!
Between intuition and longing.
Between the prophecies of youth and desires coming true.
Between daily pleadings and an uncertain reality.
Hope presses on.
Obligated to be humble
By the threat of a talkative insatiable beast,
Fulfilled promises
Appear in their due time!
By: Karla
viernes, 25 de marzo de 2016
(March 24, 2016)
Mr. President:
I am so glad you could come to visit us in my adoptive country, Argentina.
I have been living here for 30 years, coming here because I married an Argentine man who I met in Ecuador in 1975. We married in 1976 on April 30th, in Buenos Aires, and then went to and lived together in the United States for about 12 years.
I have encouraged you to visit us in Argentina on one of your blogs, and am glad you have come. I have often thought, ¨why not all of America? We have so much in common". For that matter, ¨why not the whole world¨? What holds back a common society?
I would like to continue writing about these concerns, but for now I leave you with this question and this image of a park where I frequently go to near my house. People call it Pappo´s Park. Pappo, or ¨Norberto Napolitano¨, was my husband´s cousin. The park is four blocks from my house and I have gone there for consolation and a place to think and contemplate all of the times I have been in Buenos Aires. Pappo was a famous Argentine Rock and Blues guitar player. His remains are in the park with a monument to him there. His way of living could be debated, but I know that he believed in humanity, in wellbeing for all, and in peace.
I have never seen a disturbance in the park, Children play ball, people walk their dogs, the parrots gather when there are few people. Cars pass by busily. Some people run, walk or work out on the exercise machines. Once there was a small eagle or ¨aguilucho¨ who frightened the pidgeons, but it was a minor incident. Another time a brazilian woman was frightened by young people who apparently were trying to give her directions. Small children play, run and chatter with their parents or grandparents. Some people bring Mate´ or cookies and sandwiches, or drinks, sometimes a beer or soft drink. The trees are tall and strong, very green. Vendors sell cotton candy, ice-cream, and one young lady sells pieces of home-made cake. Perhaps almost all of the young couples or lovers from this area of the City have spent time in this park. I love to sit and watch what seems to be ¨nothing¨ pass before my eyes. Young, teens, babies, the old, animals all together in harmony. Sometimes there is someone to chat with, a neighbor, new friend, or Church companion who is passing by, someone to share the moment with. Mostly, I sit in the park and contemplate and pray about the great questions of life and the universe, and the most tiny ones too! Sometimes, so lonely, but always feeling filled with the Spirit and accompanied finally by God. In a way, it is a spiritual Mass for me.
I went there before I got married, after, with Pascual, with friends and relatives, and later, with our children. At first, I was amazed with the merry-go-round (Calesita), especially since it had the same name as my husband. Later, my son had the same name, too! This brought Easter into special meaning for me, a passing, passage, pascua, from the old to the new. East to West! I have always felt to be a special part of history. You help us all to feel like we are a special part of history. There are marks to be made! I remember you most for this. And I have great hopes for your wife too, Michelle! Go for it!!! You are both young. I am older now, but happy, still have hope, and even more, faith.
What most catches my thoughts is the sky. It seems to be open and clear, even on rainy, cloudy days. It is as if there is an ¨openness¨ to this area of such a busy, bustling City, and yet it shelters everyone who is in the area. The people waiting to take buses look onto the park area. They seem to want to take part in the activity. The cars are many, but careful not to hit people, or animals crossing the street.
Could it be possible to at least make areas like this all over the World, and perhaps little by little fabricate, so to speak, more areas as time goes by??? These are my thoughts for today, having awoken from interesting dreams which I will also later write about!
Have a great trip in Argentina with a blessed Easter, and greetings to your family!!! From:Karla
(March 24, 2016)
Mr. President:
I am so glad you could come to visit us in my adoptive country, Argentina.
I have been living here for 30 years, coming here because I married an Argentine man who I met in Ecuador in 1975. We married in 1976 on April 30th, in Buenos Aires, and then went to and lived together in the United States for about 12 years.
I have encouraged you to visit us in Argentina on one of your blogs, and am glad you have come. I have often thought, ¨why not all of America? We have so much in common". For that matter, ¨why not the whole world¨? What holds back a common society?
I would like to continue writing about these concerns, but for now I leave you with this question and this image of a park where I frequently go to near my house. People call it Pappo´s Park. Pappo, or ¨Norberto Napolitano¨, was my husband´s cousin. The park is four blocks from my house and I have gone there for consolation and a place to think and contemplate all of the times I have been in Buenos Aires. Pappo was a famous Argentine Rock and Blues guitar player. His remains are in the park with a monument to him there. His way of living could be debated, but I know that he believed in humanity, in wellbeing for all, and in peace.
I have never seen a disturbance in the park, Children play ball, people walk their dogs, the parrots gather when there are few people. Cars pass by busily. Some people run, walk or work out on the exercise machines. Once there was a small eagle or ¨aguilucho¨ who frightened the pidgeons, but it was a minor incident. Another time a brazilian woman was frightened by young people who apparently were trying to give her directions. Small children play, run and chatter with their parents or grandparents. Some people bring Mate´ or cookies and sandwiches, or drinks, sometimes a beer or soft drink. The trees are tall and strong, very green. Vendors sell cotton candy, ice-cream, and one young lady sells pieces of home-made cake. Perhaps almost all of the young couples or lovers from this area of the City have spent time in this park. I love to sit and watch what seems to be ¨nothing¨ pass before my eyes. Young, teens, babies, the old, animals all together in harmony. Sometimes there is someone to chat with, a neighbor, new friend, or Church companion who is passing by, someone to share the moment with. Mostly, I sit in the park and contemplate and pray about the great questions of life and the universe, and the most tiny ones too! Sometimes, so lonely, but always feeling filled with the Spirit and accompanied finally by God. In a way, it is a spiritual Mass for me.
I went there before I got married, after, with Pascual, with friends and relatives, and later, with our children. At first, I was amazed with the merry-go-round (Calesita), especially since it had the same name as my husband. Later, my son had the same name, too! This brought Easter into special meaning for me, a passing, passage, pascua, from the old to the new. East to West! I have always felt to be a special part of history. You help us all to feel like we are a special part of history. There are marks to be made! I remember you most for this. And I have great hopes for your wife too, Michelle! Go for it!!! You are both young. I am older now, but happy, still have hope, and even more, faith.
What most catches my thoughts is the sky. It seems to be open and clear, even on rainy, cloudy days. It is as if there is an ¨openness¨ to this area of such a busy, bustling City, and yet it shelters everyone who is in the area. The people waiting to take buses look onto the park area. They seem to want to take part in the activity. The cars are many, but careful not to hit people, or animals crossing the street.
Could it be possible to at least make areas like this all over the World, and perhaps little by little fabricate, so to speak, more areas as time goes by??? These are my thoughts for today, having awoken from interesting dreams which I will also later write about!
Have a great trip in Argentina with a blessed Easter, and greetings to your family!!! From:Karla
lunes, 14 de marzo de 2016
Poema para el cuaresma y para un ¡FELIZ 40 AÑOS ANIVERSARIO DE CASADOS!
(8 de febrero, 2016, símbolo para cuaresma)
O Dios mío, Dios nuestro,
Me muestras signos de tu amor.
Me das consuelos, pero no me calma de todo mi interior
Solo buscándote y apoyándome en Ti, puedo sentir tu
presencia omnipresente.
El mas mínimo obstáculo me rebata.
Pero al apostarme en Ti, encuentro paz y alivio, soluciones.
Encuentro lo que más necesito.
Mi pequeñez es tu debilidad.
Tu ocupación es de cumplir con nuestras necesidades.
Espero en Ti, Espero atentamente.
Pongo todas mis preocupaciones en tu gloria y poder.
Y me das respuestas, buena y nueva vida.
Una vez más en mi corta vida, me preparo para los 40 días
hacia la Pascua;
Que han vuelto en 40 años de casado,
Encontrando en Ti, respiro, alimento, y descanso.
Algo habla a mi corazón que mi mente no escucha.
Golpean vibraciones en una puerta, que presiento este´ por
Para ser ejemplo y signo para el futuro del mundo entero.
Y así poder encontrar la Tierra Prometida y el amor en el ¡propio
Por: Karla
viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016
DEFINITION OF THE WORD ¨INCENTIVE¨ in Spanish and in English!
Es el estímulo que impulsa a una persona hacer algo o
trabajar más duro. Origen de la palabra
y de la historia n incentivos. Primeros 15c., de último latín incentivum, uso
Sustantivo de la castración de Latino adjetivo incentivus "ajuste de la
melodía" (en latín «incitar»), de tallo: participio pasado de incinere
"la huelga," de en - ", en" (véase en - (2)) + canere
"cantan" (ver canto (v.)). Sentido influenciado por asociación con incendere
""kindle. El uso adjetivo, en referencia a un sistema de recompensas
para fomentar el trabajo más difícil, primero atestiguado de 1943 en la jerga
de la economía de guerra de Estados Unidos; como sustantivo, en este sentido,
desde 1948. 1400-50; tarde inglés medio < último latín incentīvus
provocador, Latina: configuración de la melodía, equivalente a la incentivar
(los e.e.u.u.) (participio de pasado de incinere a tocar (un instrumento,
melodías); en-en-2 + - cinere, combinar forma de canere, cantar).
Sinónimos: impulso, estímulo, pica, impulso, impulso,
incitación, incitación, instigación, impulso, motivación, provocación, espuela,
estimulante, estímulo,...
Palabras relacionadas: incentivo, invitación; antecedente,
causa, consideración, motivo, motivo, ocasión, motivo; catalizador,
catalizador, combustible, chispa.
Incentivo, del latín incentivus, es aquello que mueve a
desear o hacer algo. Puede tratarse algo real (como dinero) o simbólico (la
intención de dar u obtener una satisfacción).
Para la economía, un
incentivo es un estímulo que se ofrece a una persona, una empresa o un sector
con el objetivo de incrementar la producción y mejorar el rendimiento. Por
ejemplo: a un trabajador se le ofrece un incentivo de 200 dólares al mes si
logra alcanzar una determinada cuota de venta. Un incentivo para una empresa
podría ser el recorte de impuestos en caso de que contrate nuevos trabajadores.
La acción humana suele regirse por incentivos, muchos de los
cuales existen a nivel inconsciente. Cada vez que una persona realiza una
determinada actividad lo hace con un fin que, de una forma u otra, le brindará
satisfacción. Dicho fin es el incentivo que moviliza el accionar.
El incentivo puede tratarse de la estimulación que se le
otorga a un individuo por su buen desempeño en cualquier ámbito (laboral,
afectivo, etc.) con la intención de que se esfuerce por mantenerlo. Se trata,
por lo tanto, de una recompensa.
Nuestra vida cotidiana suele presentar unos cuantos
incentivos, de diferentes magnitudes, que nos impulsan a seguir adelante.
Cuando un niño se esfuerza por alcanzar un buen rendimiento escolar no solo
busca su propio desarrollo personal e intelectual, sino que también es probable
que ansíe la reacción de sus padres o tutores, la satisfacción y el orgullo en
sus miradas.
Programa de incentivos
Se denomina programa de incentivos (PDI) a una campaña
sistemática que se dirige a individuos y equipos para mejorar el entorno y el
rendimiento de una compañía. Algunos de sus objetivos puntuales son: la promoción
de ciertas acciones o hábitos en particular; encausar a los participantes hacia
un fin dado; la integración de estrategias relacionadas con la motivación del
personal; poder medir los resultados obtenidos de una actividad determinada.
A propósito del último punto, es importante señalar que todo
PDI debe tener un fin específico y bien definido, para que quienes lo dirijan
sean capaces de estudiar sus resultados. A la hora de diseñar un programa de
este tipo, es fundamental hallar la motivación más adecuada, para obtener el
mejor rendimiento posible de sus participantes.
Una compañía que se dedica a diseñar PDIs debe cumplir
ciertos requisitos para que su oferta resulte confiable a sus potenciales
clientes: especializarse en este campo; estar aliada con operadores logísticos
y contar con una plataforma personalizable de administración y diseño de los
catálogos de incentivos; poseer una tienda en línea que permita la distribución
adecuada de sus programas. Es importante, asimismo, que un programa de incentivos
sea administrado como parte de un plan de mayor magnitud y que ofrezca la
continuidad y la asistencia necesarias a sus clientes.
Cabe mencionar que los PDIs han sabido mantenerse vigentes
durante las épocas de mayor crisis económica de las últimas décadas, a
diferencia de otros servicios, tales como estrategias tradicionales de
marketing y ventas. Diversos estudios han probado que aquellas compañías que
han sabido capacitar y motivar a sus trabajadores durante los momentos de
recesión son las que mejor han sabido recuperarse, las que más fuerza han
demostrado para resurgir y recuperar la porción del mercado que les pertenecía.
Se sabe que una empresa es movida por un grupo de personas,
de seres vivos, independientemente de sus conocimientos y de sus puestos en la
jerarquía del organigrama. Por esta razón, no se debe olvidar que el mejor
camino para aumentar su rendimiento es entablar una relación que exceda los
límites del salario; es ahí donde aparecen los beneficios de un plan de
incentivos, ya que un ser humano motivado es capaz de dar todo de sí por un
encouragement to make a person do something or work harder.
Word Origin and History for incentive n.
Early 15c.,
from Late Latin incentivum, noun use of neuter of Latin adjective incentivus
"setting the tune" (in Late Latin "inciting"), from past
participle stem of incinere "strike up," from in- "in,
into" (see in- (2)) + canere "sing" (see chant (v.)). Sense
influenced by association with incendere "to kindle." The adjective
use, in reference to a system of rewards meant to encourage harder work, first
attested 1943 in jargon of the U.S. war economy; as a noun, in this sense, from
late Middle English < Late Latin incentīvus provocative, Latin: setting the
tune, equivalent to incent (us) (past participle of incinere to play (an
instrument, tunes); in- in-2+ -cinere, combining form of canere to sing) +
-īvus –ive
Synonyms: boost, encouragement, goad, impetus, impulse,
incitation, incitement, instigation, momentum, motivation, provocation, spur,
stimulant, stimulus, yeast
Related Words:
inducement, invitation; antecedent, cause, consideration, grounds, motive,
occasion, reason; catalyst, catalyzer, fuel, spark.
Latin incentivus, is something that moves to want or do something. It may be
something real (like money) or symbolic (the intention to give or obtain
For the economy,
an incentive is a stimulus that is offered to a person , a company or an industry
in order to increase production and improve performance. For example: a worker
is offered an incentive of $ 200 per month if he can reach a certain sales
quota. An incentive for a company could be the tax cut if they hire new
action tends to be governed by incentives, many of which exist at an
unconscious level. Every time a person performs an activity does so with a
purpose that, in one way or another, will provide satisfaction. This purpose is
the incentive that moves the action.
incentive may be the stimulation that is given to an individual for good
performance in any environment (work, emotional, etc.) with the intent to
strive to maintain it. It is, therefore, a reward.
Our daily
life usually has few incentives of different magnitudes that drive us forward.
When a child struggles to achieve good school performance not only looking for
their own personal and intellectual development, but is also likely to crave
the reaction of their parents or guardians, satisfaction and pride in their
An incentive program (PDI) is a systematic campaign that targets
individuals and teams to improve the environment and the performance of a
company . Some of the specific goals are: promotion of certain actions or
habits in particular; to encourage participants towards a given end; integration of
strategies related to staff motivation; to measure the results of a particular
With regard
to the latter point, it is important to note that all IDPs must have a specific
and well - defined purpose, to direct those who are able to study their
results. When designing a program of this type it is essential to find the right
motivation, to get the best performance possible from the participants.
A company
that is dedicated to designing DIPs must meet certain requirements for its offer to be acceptable to its prospects: specialize in this field; be allied with
logistics operators and have a customizable management program and design presentaable incentives catalogues; have an online store that allows proper distribution of
their programs. It is also important that a program of incentives be administered as part of a plan that offers greater magnitude and continuity and the necessary assistance to their clients.
It is
noteworthy that the IDPs have managed to remain in force during times of major economy crisis in recent decades, unlike other services, such as traditional
marketing and sales strategies. Several studies have shown that those companies
that have managed to train and motivate their workers during times of recession
are those that have best managed to recover, and which have shown more strength to
resurvice and regain market share that had belonged to them.
A company is driven by a group of live people, regardless of their
knowledge and their positions in the hierarchy of charts. For this
reason, one should not forget that the best way to increase performance is to
establish a relationship that exceeds the limits of monetary salary; which is where
the benefits of an incentive plan appear best for a motivated human being so as to be able to
give their ¨all¨ for a project.
a POEM: ¨INCENTIVE¨ (WITH translation)!
INCENTIVE (March 4, 2016)
morning I woke up remembering one word from my dreams, ¨incentive¨.)
Praying in
my dreams;
Dreaming in
my prayers;
beyond lost hope.
One single
word hangs on,
What is the
What is its
Pleading in
my dreams;
Dreaming as
I plead.
for an answer,
The word, ¨Incentive¨
hangs on.
I awaken renewed, and ready, willing and able to continue!
By: Karla
Rezar en mis sueños.
Soñar en mis oraciones.
Creer más allá de esperanzas perdidas.
Rescato una sola palabra,
¿Qué significa?
¿Cuál es su propósito?
Suplicando en mis sueños.
Sueño mientras suplico.
Buscando una respuesta.
Rescato la palabra, ¨Incentivo¨,
Y me despierto renovada,
Lista, dispuesta, y capaz de continuar.
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