Reflections on Healing
Sunday, April 18, 2021
8:39 AM
(By: Karla Wagener)
What heals is right in front of us.
You have to believe in order to be open to it.
It obviously goes beyond us. There are more understandings that can and will be revealed.
It certainly surpasses my understanding.
Just like the circulation of blood cures what ails,
Some ills like skin disorders are not healed
Old age is inevitable and best permitted to happen,
When the soul heals, the body heals.
When all else fails...
A little soul searching helps heal what ails.
With a little luck
Someone could come along to save you,
Like when we watched in horror
As a man ran to save a homeless dog in the river,
To discover the dog was only happily swimming.
So the man took the dog home to be his pet.
Needless to say, they were both healed.
When you heal others,