miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2015


(For Andrea and Facundo who are getting married on March 6th)

Through the force of water, pulsation of Spirit,
With the dreams of the faithful,
We gather our preparations.

With the care of precision filling it with Love, Good thoughts and well-being,
And with good intentions about the surroundings we’re seeing.
Fill it with care, the purpose of being,
With the intuition and premonition that your heart will be there.

Fill it with honesty and your best feelings.
Put in every important thing, with what perhaps we're not seeing!

Take out what is needed over the years.
Letting out the best held deep within.
Let go of the fears.

Find in there, mother’s most faithful, sincere prayers.
An accumulation of material things, and all the rest.
Desires and hopes in future years with which to be blest!
                      By: Karla

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