jueves, 31 de agosto de 2017

This is not very poetic, but it is healthy!


Here are some helpful tips to help better a prolapse problem!
It is important to increase the capacity to support and sustain the tissues.
Avoid those practices or heavy weight that may add excess pressure.
Do Kegel exercises often.  Kegel exercise, also known as pelvic floor exercise, consists of repeatedly contracting and relaxing the muscles that form part of the pelvic floor.
Abdominal exercises (hypopressive) are important.  (Diaphragmatic aspiration).
Re-education of posture is paramount!  Training the core is necessary to strengthen back and leg muscles.
It is necessary to contract the pelvic before making pressures below it.
Learn to cough or sneeze without putting on pressure.
It is helpful to get proper rest.
Practice a low impact sport, which is not hyperpressive, ej. Bicycle, water gym, cyclism, walking, or going up stairs, spinning or dancing!
Avoid constipation, and of course,
Watch your weight.

An added benefit that many people do not know about is to eat apples to help intensify orgasms. Sex can be less pleasant with a prolapse.  It sounds almost comical, put it has been proven!
And be sure to take Framintrol every day.  It rejuvenates the system!  Check into it!

Also, eating healthy foods is always good for the health!!!

                        By: Karla

miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2017

FINE TUNING, A poem for musicians!

(Written on June 4th, not sure which year!)
                                                               ¨Know yourself¨
Listen to your body.
Feel the beats of your own core.
Take time for simple healthy pleasures,
Positioning at the bottom of the totem pole so as to support more.

Fine textures of a tough challenge
To help you grow, to improve,
Taking on the best, upgrading till you make your move.

Something to key into, the exact spot waited for.
The statutes of your inner soul.
The good judge within for all to know.

Stand with the weak, humble innocent.
Know now the times are pressing and imminent.
Blessed those in tune to their weakness or secrets,
For truth unveils all that the repentant know.

A person is known by their name.
Some make one; others are born to the same.
Some are defined; others are revealed or unwind,
In the end, a name can never encompass
All of the distinction of one´s pure and extraordinary... essence!

                     By: Karla

lunes, 28 de agosto de 2017

¡Poesias de Cerca! ¡La luna siempre presente!


 (Escrito 25 setiembre, 2016, 12:25 a.m.)

A la vuelta de mi casa hay un lugar secreto,
Lleno de flores, árboles y bienestar.

A la vuelta de mi casa hay paz y armonía; parece que va desapercibida.
El césped bien cortado, los arbustos prolijos y cuidados.

En un rincón esta la Virgen y muchos vecinos no la ven,
Pero todos sabemos que a las personas las cuida, estén donde estén.

Nosotros pasamos a visitarla a la madrugada,
Luna llena, cielos despejados, todo pintado en tamizas de azul.

Los pescados en la fuente nadan día y noche,
Y sosiego y serenidad llena a quien aproche.

                          Por: Karla

domingo, 27 de agosto de 2017

CLOSEUP! Take a picture!


(Written on August 27, 2017)
(In Jason Stephenson´s site where he announced a photo contest, I wrote, ¨I am more interested in getting to the right people than in winning a prize!  A woman answered, ¨What do you mean by right people? ¨ I wrote back, ¨I think I mean the people who can be really interested in positive actions for the World and all of Creation¨.     The woman responded, ¨Oh, ok, I am but with no car and with chronic pain I can´t get around to take pictures anymore so most of my pictures are around my house now.  Thank you for explaining.¨ After this conversation, at about 5:30 a.m., I woke up with the idea for the following poem!  For Phyllis!)

Sometimes doing nothing is the best action to take!
Like not driving so as to not contaminate!

Often the closest beauty goes unperceived,
And the most impossible is at hand, yet to be believed.

It is advisable when hurt, stay close, take a  perspective look;
It could even be time to read a good book!

Probably, the most efficient answer is a sincere prayer…
And let others know you are there, and really care!

                           By: Karla

sábado, 26 de agosto de 2017

WORKING IT OUT! A poem for the present times!


(Written on June 27, 2016)
Behind each song there is a story…
Of problems, searching, hates, love, or glory.
Humanity, the era of jeans,
Stone Age at the beginning, military, terrorism, materialist means.

Like penny change, we break into pieces,
Lyrics, words and music to calm, stimulate, or comfort the weary soul.
We bring out of the old chest,
The hurt the pains, strengths, weakest,
Until something new can manifest,
Shimmering forth the promised and hoped for,
Very Best!

         By: Karla

ECLIPSE - ¡Una poesia para todos los tiempos!


(Escrito el 24 de setiembre, 2016)
Tu eres mi tristeza, mi malestar;
La razón de mi penar.
Tu eres la alegría;
Eres todo, escondido.

Gozo en el dolor,
Disfruto en el clamor.
Vivo plenamente tu corto semblante
Cubriendo la luz como un guante.

Tu eres Luna sobre el Sol,
Lo que crece,
Todo lo que desvanece.
Eres anhelo, pensamientos,
La noche colgada sobre el día.

Eres la única solución,
La forma, lo mejor de toda tradición.

Y aparezcas por solo un segundo, 
como un recuerdo placentero que pronto desaparece.
               By: Karla

viernes, 25 de agosto de 2017

Poem for A New Year´s Day! Expect Problems!


(Written on January 1, 2017)

Let it be heard, the laughter of the lost or crazy.
 Let it be heard, the dawn breaking through clouds;
The silent loneliness within rambling crowds.
The need of helpless babies, wandering emigrants with no home,
The jobless, lonely, destitute, hopeless, expectant pilgrims flooding to Rome!

You can discuss it as much as you may care;
Clear your head, accept the answers screaming within the air!
You´ll figure it out; you always do;
Normally answers are right there for you!

Open your heart, search your soul, and maybe go against the grain!
What greatness can be achieved when humanity simply uses the brain!

                         By: Karla

RESIDUE (Another poem for the signs of our times!)


(28 May, 2017)

Tell us why do so many want all that money?
Does it stop rain; make things again all sunny?

What good is great wealth?
With drought, storms or a wavering, fragile health?

So many luxurious goods to perish in floods.
I dreamed I couldn´t clean off the waste,
Of an innocent very young baby, one to embrace.

Some relatives tried to help and there were some advances.
I woke to a day of overwhelming needs,
Trying to do what I can, continuing to plead.

Believiing so firmly in a higher mandate.
Now, where o where, is that blank check to ward off fate?

                 By: Karla

A Revolutionary Poem for the present times!


(By chance written on May 25, 2017, Argentina´s Patriotic Day!)
A wretched debt seems to loom over humanity.
What has been left undone?
With spoils of War drying in an unprejudiced sun?

Greater purposes remain to wander,
Philosophies deceived, and the bulk´s needs to ponder.
There is a higher justice.  There is a greater purpose often gone unseen.
The results of our actions can cut sharp, hard and mean.

Consider how you handle details of life, what is true wealth.
In the end, in healing others,
You will find you heal yourself!

               By: Karla

martes, 1 de agosto de 2017

Back to Obama!


(July 29, 2017)

Even though things seem so impossible
There is a strong feeling deep within
That comfort and grace will fill these worries
With promises of good, and response to great faith.

Worries about relatives, sons and daughter;
The World in trying times, news of hate, war and slaughter.
Missiles threatening; shot into the air;
Staff shakeups, sanctions, corruption, rapes, violence everywhere.

Droughts, tornados, millions without work, or migrating with no home.
Forest fires burning, animals in extinction, Old Folks sad and fore lone.
Radiation, flooding, children, the fragile so abused;
The powerful and wealthy, selfish, and seeming to be amused.

You just keep loving!
You just keep loving until your heart explodes in pieces.
And you know there will be a way
For things to become better!

            By: Karla