viernes, 25 de agosto de 2017

Poem for A New Year´s Day! Expect Problems!


(Written on January 1, 2017)

Let it be heard, the laughter of the lost or crazy.
 Let it be heard, the dawn breaking through clouds;
The silent loneliness within rambling crowds.
The need of helpless babies, wandering emigrants with no home,
The jobless, lonely, destitute, hopeless, expectant pilgrims flooding to Rome!

You can discuss it as much as you may care;
Clear your head, accept the answers screaming within the air!
You´ll figure it out; you always do;
Normally answers are right there for you!

Open your heart, search your soul, and maybe go against the grain!
What greatness can be achieved when humanity simply uses the brain!

                         By: Karla

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