jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

Poem-Song..."LA ULTIMA MIRADA"...From listening to the song by Vicentico "Solo un Momento"!

LA ULTIMA MIRADA /26  Febrero, 2013
(Dedicated to Vicentico!)
Algo me decia tus ojos
Que las sonrisas y afectos ocultaban…
Fue una Mirada trabada en el silencio de un segundo,
Permitido entre la muchedumbre…
O quizas simplemente habilmente robado?
Y esa Mirada hablo, conto todo lo que quisieses decir.
Expreso lo hondo de todo lo que te pasaba…
Paso tan repentinamente,
Y se perdio en el festejo de tenerte todavia!
                                         Por: Karla
Your eyes said something that your smiles and affections hid.
It was a glance caught in the silence of a second, allowed amongst the multitude.
Or perhaps simply skillfully stolen?
That glance spoke all you wished, or had, to say,
And told about your deepest intimacy.
It passed by so quickly!
And got lost in the festivities of having you still, with me!
                       By: Karla

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