lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013

Getting Ready for Easter, and expecting a really good one!

Passage No. 14/Composicion No. 14


 She had already seen his face in her mind before she went to church to pray.

Ella tenia la cara de el, en su mente antes de ir a la iglesia a rezar.

She knelt down before the statue of Our Sacred Heart of Jesus and bowed her head in prayer.

 Se arrodillo ante la imagen de Nuestro Sacrado Corazon e inclino la cabeza, rezando.

She was worried about the everyday problems of life.

 Ella se sentia procupada por los problemitas de la vida.

When she looked up she saw that the face of Jesus was glowing.

 Cuando alzo la vista, vio la cara de Jesus iluminada. 

The light hit the face in just the right angles to make it shine as if Jesus had resurrected.

La luz reflejaba el rostro para hacerlo brillar y mostrar asi a un Jesús resucitado.

His eyes looked down and comforted her, "I have overcome the World.

 Los ojos la miraban, consolandola, diciendo, "He vencido al mundo. 

Be cheerful".  ¡Que seas feliz!  He vencido al mundo material”.

This was not the Jesus on the cross suffering and in pain. 

Este no era el Jesus de la cruz, sufriendo y en dolor.

This was a resurrected Christ offering a promise to be fulfilled.

 Este era el Cristo ofreciendo la promesa para cumplirse.

From that day forward her attitude changed and each day Christ's support for her grew as she also discovered how to scatter it about.

 Desde ese dia, su actitud cambio y cada dia el apoyo de Cristo crecia, en la medida que ella descubrio compartirlo.


 1.  What do you do when you feel uneasy about life?

1.  ¿Que metodos utilizas cuando tienes un problema?

2.  Did the woman imagine the face of Jesus before she went to pray?

2.  ¿La mujer ya imaginaba la cara de Jesus antes de ir a rezar?

3.  Describe the light.

3.  Describe como ilumino la luz a Jesús.

4.  What did the woman think about Jesus?

4.  ¿Que pensamientos tenia la mujer con respecto  a Jesus?

5.  What is the promise of Jesus?

5.  Para ti, ¿cual es la promesa de Jesus?

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